One day workshop on IoT Product development - Mozilla WebThings Gateway

Date : February 17, 2018

As an active Mozillian , I was involved in conducting a one day workshop on development of IoT products - Mozilla WeThings Gateway at Riyasaa Labs, Nagercoil, India. Basically I covered the topics on open source tools and their involvement in rapid prototyping of IoT products and also I talked about scaling out of such prototypes to commercial products. Nearly 50 students were participated and benefited in this workshop. 

I also talked about the importance of Interoperability among IoT products and it's wide use cases for end users. At the end of the session, there was a demo where I installed and showed the participants the development of Mozilla's web things gateway and it's features. This session really motivated a lot of students to contribute more towards . The session ended with a thanking note from the organizer and some of the moments captured during the event are shown below
