Chithiram Pesuthadi 2018 - Singapore's largest Tamil Animation Competition

Date : January 27, 2018

As a technology enthusiast, I was involved in organizing and technical committee of the Chithiram Pesuthadi event in Singapore. This event was organized by a group of enthusiasts from Nanyang Technological University(NTU),Singapore and Alagappa University Alumni Association members. The objective of the event was to encourage school children up to the age of 15, to create animations using open source software tool called SCRATCH which was developed by MIT Labs. Nearly 90 teams registered for this event where each team includes 3 students. 
Image result for scratch

Lot of students showed their interest in learning scratch programming and I was actively involved in supporting them technically to develop their ideas and creativity. At the end top three teams were recognized and awarded with cash prizes. Due to the involvement of several like minded enthusiasts, this event was recorded in "SINGAPORE BOOK OF RECORDS" for its largest participants. Click the link to check it out
